Community List

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Revision as of 17:27, 14 April 2009 by Foxfirefey (Talk | contribs)

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Add comms! Categorize! Use alphabetical order within sections/subsections. See Dreamwidth Communities for official and oriented communities.


See Fandom Communities.

For fun

  • [info]adayinmylife -- post a day of your life in pictures!
  • [info]beginningcocks -- An introduction to the cock. With extra bonus points for lube and historical accuracy
  • [info]efw -- Existential Flame War
  • [info]endings -- post your favourite endings from books, journals, songs, films, speeches... anything.
  • [info]iconic -- A collaborative effort to proliferate high quality icons. Translation: Get/Share awesome icons! ^_^
  • [info]lol_meme -- Not technically a community. For anonymous comment postings, I think? See [info]lol_meme (JF) for the canonical one.
  • [info]metaquotes
  • [info]thatswhatshesaid -- For quoting conversations that could end in "That's what she said!"
  • [info]tickybox -- biweekly polls about anything and everything.
  • [info]wishlists






  • [info]antitheism
  • [info]breastfeeding -- Support community for breastfeeding mothers, and mothers to be.
  • [info]customers_suck - bitching about your customer service job! Same purpose as on LJ, though different maintainer.
  • [info]insomnia -- A community for people who cannot or have difficulty sleeping.
  • [info]theladiesloos -- an autonomous community for self-defining women to vent, ask for advice, tell their stories... whatever they like.
  • [info]politics
  • [info]queer_as_dreamwidth
  • [info]spiritual_woo -- Need to know how to ground, center, or shield? Want a supportive space to talk about getting your cards read or seeing a medium? Not sure whether your dream last night meant something? This community is the place for you.
  • [info]steampunk



  • [info]android -- Dreamwidth's first Android community! For all things Android - fans, troubleshooting, and developers.
  • [info]blackberry -- For people who have Blackberries.
  • [info]ebooks -- Ebooks and the hardware & software related thereto.
  • [info]linux4all -- Like it says Linux For All ! Newbies and experienced tinkerer's welcome.
  • [info]history -- Because historians are geeks, too!
  • [info]science -- For the scientists and science-interested people on Dreamwidth.