Account levels

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Account levels, costs, capabilities, and limits (as planned before launch) for Dreamwidth Studios.

To create an account with posting capabilities, you need to either have an invite or get a paid account for a period of time. The minimum cost is $3 for one month of paid time, after which your account would revert back to a free account. If you don't want to be able to post, you may log in with OpenID.

Account capabilities

You can: OpenID Free Paid Premium / Seed
Post to your own journal N Y Y Y
Post to communities N Y Y Y
Upload icons 6 6 75 200
Receive Inbox notifications 25 25 500 1000
Recent comments view 10 10 100 150
Subscribe to journals 1000 1000 1500 2000
Grant access to others N/A 1000 1500 2000
Add links to Links list 10 10 50 100
Use tags in journal 1000 1000 1500 2000
Use site directory search Y Y Y Y
Create new feeds Y Y Y Y
Create communities N Y Y Y
Edit own comments N N Y Y
Post via email N N Y Y
Find Similar Users N N Y Y
Use Network features N N Y Y
Receive own comments in email N N Y Y
Make polls N N Y Y
Mass-change post security levels N N Y Y
Create mood themes N N Y Y
View your journal entries sorted by security level N N Y Y
Receive text messages through Dreamwidth N N Y Y
Be notified when people stop subscribing to your journal N N Y Y
Be notified when people stop granting you access N N Y Y
Be notified when people vote in your polls N N Y Y
Be notified when subscribed users upload icons N N Y Y
Receive forwarded email at N N Y Y
Ping on posting N N Y Y
Faster access to servers at peak load times N N Y Y
Ability to use Google Analytics N N Y Y


All prices in US dollars.

Seed accounts will go on sale at launch, and will continue to be offered until 400 have been sold. The price for a seed account is $200, with no further monthly cost.

Paid and Premium Paid accounts will be offered at a discount for the first six months of Dreamwidth Studios' existence, as a thank you to those who create an account early. After six months, the prices will rise to their normal levels.

Regular pricing will be as follows.

Paid account
Time First 6 months After 6 months
1 month $3.00 $3.00
2 months $5.00 $6.00
6 months $13.00 $17.50
1 year $25.00 $35.00
Premium account
Time First 6 months After 6 months
6 months $20.00 $25.00
1 year $40.00 $50.00

For a discussion of the reasoning behind these prices, see Business FAQs