Github Issues

From Dreamwidth Notes
Revision as of 12:17, 30 July 2014 by Kaberett (Talk | contribs)

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Claiming an issue

You can claim an issue by leaving a comment with the words "claim", "claimed", or "claiming". Case doesn't matter -- you can use capital letters if you want. You can also have other words be part of the comment, so you don't need to memorize a specific format. "I'm claiming this" will work just as well as "Claimed!"

Claiming will only work if the current issue is not yet claimed -- this will avoid the problem of accidentally grabbing the bug from someone else during a long discussion about claiming something else in a different context.

You do need to be part of the Dreamwidth contributors team on Github before assigning issues will work. If you're a new contributor, you'll be automatically added when you send in your Contributor Licensing Agreement.

For existing contributors, do double-check if you're on any of the Dreamwidth teams. If it shows you a list of teams you're on, you're good! If we missed you somehow and tells you that you're not on any teams, let us know and we'll add you ASAP.