Difference between revisions of "Proplists/talkprop"

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Revision as of 05:30, 18 December 2011

Property Description
deleted_poster If the comment poster's account is deleted, this field gets added to all of their posts, so the UI can show something besides 'anonymous' when posterid gets set to 0
edit_reason Reason for the last edit.
edit_time Unix time of the last edit. undef if never edited.
import_source Where this comment was imported from
imported_from The hostname of the site where this comment was imported from.
opt_preformatted Turn on if post contains HTML and shouldn't be formatted
picture_keyword A keyword that should align to a defined picture
picture_mapid A keyword that should align to a mapid
poster_ip The poster's IP address, optionally logged.
subjecticon partial filename for subject icon to use
unknown8bit True if text has 8-bit data that's not in UTF-8