Uncategorized Wishlist
From Dreamwidth Notes
Revision as of 16:49, 24 April 2009 by Magycmyste (Talk | contribs)
- http://community.livejournal.com/suggestions/886403.html - The 'send this user a message' feature should also show the IP address, to discourage abuse by trolls. As refined in comments, should behave the same as the IP-address-logging options associated with one’s journal settings (i.e., the message sender would receive a notification that their IP address is being logged before they hit send), and should be able to be set in the same way one can control comments on one's journal.
- http://community.livejournal.com/suggestions/886081.html - Create a toggleable view option that is imageless for faster and/or more private work/school/public-location reading of LJ/DW. Would strip all userpics, posted images, layout customization, et al, leaving a text-only version of site that could then be easily switched off at the user's discretion, and would not affect their journal's default style/view settings.
- Sounds like making the "mobile" sitescheme/etc. easily toggled would satisfy this one. We plan to create it anyway. Rickybuchanan 10:59, 2 February 2009 (UTC)
Some of these are probably categorizable, but I'm not sure where. --Ursamajor 05:15, 10 January 2009 (UTC)
- http://community.livejournal.com/suggestions/893954.html - Image placeholders. Applies across friends page and entries. Dre (need to find her userpage) points out that on-demand size detection is impractical especially for low-bandwidth readers (and would force images to go through DW's bandwidth for said detection, costing even more money), so the existing implementation of image placeholders is as good as it can be for now; still, upgrading the existing console command for customizing the placeholder size threshold to being in the settings would be lovely.
- http://community.livejournal.com/suggestions/386309.html -- redirect www.usersub.example.com to usersub.example.com so fewer people need to be fish-slapped.
- http://community.livejournal.com/suggestions/879620.html?thread=13611524#t13611524 -- friendbot preventative measure proposed by commenter: force completion of captcha for each additional friend an account adds after a certain number of friends are added in a certain amount of time.
- Major accessibility implications for putting captchas anywhere. Just Say No. Rickybuchanan 10:59, 2 February 2009 (UTC)
- http://zvi-likes-tv.livejournal.com/485236.html?thread=1989492#t1989492 -- the ability to take notes on other users, visible only to the note-taker, which are 'stored' at the other users' profile pages. Feature found in Second Life.
- different version of the same idea as a greasemonkey script ljwho
- 'go to next post' and 'go to previous post' when browsing a journal should go to the next / previous post visible to the user. They should not, as on LJ, fail if that post is not visible to you.
- Expanding on that, it should not be possible to see that there is a post that is not visible to you (or, at best, not without guessing the right URL - make these longer?) via next/previous post or the calendar or...
- I believe these last two have already been implemented on LiveJournal. -- Pne 14:41, 9 February 2009 (UTC)
- An API call that says 'give me all posts and comments visible to me in this (these?) journal since x'. This will greatly help the introduction of offline readers and facilitate continuing discussions.
- http://community.livejournal.com/suggestions/913412.html -- LiveJournal should implement DKIM (DomainKeys) signatures on e-mail leaving LiveJournal. The reference implementation at http://domainkeys.sourceforge.net/ could be used. More general information on DomainKeys is available at dkim.org. (prevents blocking and accidental spam-filtering)
- Journal Entry Security update - ability to select specific entries and update the security of those entries only, as opposed to the entire journal, rather than having to mark each one individually. (LJSec sort of already does this, I think).
- Tag by Access Filter: create a rule where use of a particular access filter automatically tags an entry with a pre-selected tag. For example, if I were doing nano and had decided to create an access filter for it, every time I posted to the Nano access filter, the entry would automagically get a 'National Novel Writing Month' tag.
- Paid (or Premium Paid) feature: fully encrypted (https) sessions.
I'm really not sure what category to put these in. - Magycmyste
- http://community.livejournal.com/suggestions/876241.html - In addition to journal entries and comment displays, extend the "Time zone" option to display the community moderation queue to the local time zone specified.
- http://community.livejournal.com/suggestions/876453.html - list pending schools by country - not sure if adding schools is a feature that we're going to use in Dreamwidth, or if this has been covered, but if so, the suggestion is to have a list of schools pending approval, so someone else from the same school can see that it's pending and doesn't try to add it twice.