Dreamwidth Timeline

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Revision as of 11:17, 5 October 2010 by AzureLunaticDW (Talk | contribs)

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Expand: This should be a timeline of DW's conception. Should probably also include LJ actions as well that drove DW's formation.

A more complete history of LJ can be found on Wikipedia:Timeline of LiveJournal.

LJ History


  • 1999-03 -- [info]brad starts LJ



  • 2003-03 -- LJ clone JournalFen is started
  • This is also the year that fandom_wank is TOSed from LiveJournal, TOSed from Blurty, and ends up at JournalFen.



  • 2006-04-18 -- Introducing a new account level -- The introduction of Sponsored+, later to become Plus.
  • May/June -- Breastfeeding strike
  • 2006-09-26 -- Sponsored Content -- Sponsored accounts and features come into being
  • 2006-10-18 -- LJ and SUP -- Six Apart turns over the Russian side of LJ to SUP


Pre-Dreamwidth -- ie, Hypothetical Journal

March 2008

April 2008

May 2008

  • 2008-05 -- Inksome opens to public paid accounts

Dreamwidth Development

June 2008

July 2008

August 2008

  • 2008-08-08 -- First quote in #dw IRC QDB -- A quotes database for Dreamwidth's IRC channels is opened on qdb.zhzh.org, and the first quote appears. (QDB is later moved.)

January 2009

  • 2009-01-06 -- The Grim Purge -- LJ lays off half of the San Francisco office employees, including the entire design team. Dreamwidth kicks into high gear: see Rest In Peace ([info]xb95) and FYI ([info]synecdochic).
  • 2009-01-07 -- GreatestJournal dies completely, after having limped along in zombie form for the past six months.

Dreamwidth Begins

February 2009

March 2009

April 2009

(lots of missing stuff goes here)

  • 2009-04-30 -- Open beta launch.

(lots of missing stuff goes here)

May 2009

(lots of missing stuff goes here)

March 2010

April 2010

  • 2010-04-05 -- [info]fu joining full time.
  • 2010-04-07 -- [info]fu's first news post.
  • 2010-04-10 - 2010-04-15 (Sophie, got a more exact date?) -- http://qdb.dreamwidth.net/ split from old LiveJournal QDB, in separate hosting
  • 2010-04-26 -- [info]three-weeks-for-dw festival begins.
  • 2010-04-28 -- Freenode approves Dreamwidth's group application & information on cloaks added to IRC page.

May 2010

June 2010

July 2010

August 2010

September 2010

The Future

  • Cross-site Authenticated Reading List
  • Entry creation/edit redesign
  • Full launch -- previously expected for Q309