Bug or Suggestion

From Dreamwidth Notes
Revision as of 13:49, 21 September 2011 by AzureLunaticDW (Talk | contribs)

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Dreamwidth has a few workflows for submitting items to Bugzilla. The ideal workflow to use depends on the exact situation.


Dreamwidth solicits a wide range of user opinions on many proposed changes before approving an item for implementation. A relatively small percentage of the active user population of Dreamwidth is comfortable using Bugzilla, compared to the users who follow the [info]dw_suggestions community.

The following types of changes are particularly likely to be referred to the whole user community (not just staff, contractors, and developers) for discussion:

New Feature

An entirely new feature that does not currently exist.


Changes to improve an existing feature.

Preferred Implementation

Some new features, enhancements, and outright bug fixes require a decision about how best to do it out of two or more possible ways. The [info]dw_suggestions participants can also provide feedback for this.


  • Something that is broken (not functioning as designed).
  • Something that is broken-as-designed (is functioning as designed, but how it is designed is bad).
  • Straightforward items that do not require community discussion.