Horrible hack
From Dreamwidth Notes
Revision as of 16:59, 6 January 2012 by AzureLunaticDW (Talk | contribs)
The Horrible Hack is a horrible hack (exploiting some unknown little blip in the code, but without harmful effects) which somehow prevents some of the notifications from going through the inbox.
[15:24] rahaeli: go to the notifications page [15:24] rahaeli: uncheck both "comments in my journal" and "replies to my comments" [15:24] rahaeli: save [15:24] rahaeli: check ONLY "replies to my comments" [15:24] rahaeli: save [15:24] rahaeli: both will then be checked [15:25] rahaeli: but you should only get replies in email [15:25] rahaeli: you'll have to do that every time you change a notification, but it should work on LJ too [15:25] LivredOr: seriously? there's a fix for it? [15:26] rahaeli: well, it's not so much a fix as a horrible hack [15:26] rahaeli: but :)
(LJ has since made changes that make the horrible hack obsolete and possibly also ineffective. Dreamwidth hasn't yet renovated the notifications system to make things make better sense.)