Dreamwidth Timeline
From Dreamwidth Notes
Revision as of 00:04, 16 January 2009 by Foxfirefey (Talk | contribs)
Expand: This should be a timeline of DW's conception. Should probably also include LJ actions as well that drove DW's formation.
LJ History
- 1999-03 -- brad starts LJ
- 2005-01-05 -- Big news... Six Apart and LiveJournal! -- Six Apart purchases LiveJournal
- 2006-04-18 -- Introducing a new account level -- The introduction of Sponsored+, later to become Plus.
- May/June -- Breastfeeding strike
- 2006-10-18 -- LJ and SUP -- Six Apart turns over the Russian side of LJ to SUP
- 2007-05-29 -- Strikethrough, Phase I
- 2007-08-02 -- Strikethrough, Phase II
- 2007-12-12 -- Six Apart Announces New Home for LiveJournal -- Sale to SUP
Pre-Dreamwidth -- ie, Hypothetical Journal
Dreamwidth Development
June 2008
- 2008-06-11 Announcing Dreamwidth Studios. Coming Summer 2008. -- The announcement of DW's conception.
- 2008-06-16 -- Poll: Mood Themes -- Poll about mood themes.
- 2008-06-13 -- S2 Styles Poll. -- Poll about S2 layouts.
- 2008-06-24 -- straw poll #19384 -- Poll about top-level menu items in the LJ scheme.
July 2008
- 2008-07-02 -- Dreamwidth needs mood themes!] -- a public call for people to design mood themes!
- 2008-07-30 -- I keep forgetting! and this -- DW is open for volunteer development