Dev Tools/lookup-routing

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Revision as of 08:58, 23 September 2011 by Afuna (Talk | contribs)

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Easy way to look up which controller handles a given URL. Also lets you list the current contents of the routing table, and overall controller stats.

Three main modes:

Path => Controller mapping

 lookup-routing /nav/create


 app: /nav/create is defined in the file cgi-bin/DW/Controller/,
   and using the handler sub nav_handler

More detailed information can be obtained using the --verbose switch

 lookup-routing --verbose /nav/create


 app: /nav/create is defined in the file /mnt/hgfs/dw/cgi-bin/DW/Controller/,
   and using the handler sub nav_handler
  * Default Format: html
  * Enabled for formats: html, json
  * Enabled For: app
  * Regex: (?-xism:^/nav(?:/([a-z]*))?$)
  * Matched Subpatterns:

List of contents of the routing table

 lookup-routing --list # everything in the routing table


 app: /__rpc_cuttag is defined in the file cgi-bin/DW/Controller/RPC/,
    and using the handler sub cutexpander_handler
 app: /about is a controller-less template: views/misc/
   * Defined in cgi-bin/DW/Controller/Dreamwidth/
 app: /admin is a redirect to /admin/
 app: /admin/ is defined in the file cgi-bin/DW/Controller/, and using the
    handler sub admin_handler
 app: /post/(\d+) is defined in the file cgi-bin/DW/Controller/, and using the
     handler sub edit_handler

 # filter to just those that use regex matching and are in user-space
 # (e.g., http://$ vs. 
 lookup-routing --list --regex --user


 # same as above but with more targeted results

Summary /stats

 lookup-routing --stats


 String routing table:
     48 - app
      5 - user
     53 - TOTAL
 Regex routing table:
      4 - app
      1 - user
      5 - TOTAL
 Total entries: 58

See lookup-routing --help --verbose for more detailed and updated documentation.