Support Ninja
Support Ninja is a Twitter account created by tajasel. Its purpose is to reach out to people asking questions about and reporting problems with Dreamwidth on Twitter.
It is controlled by a few interested members of the Support team who take shifts at being on "support ninja duty". Talk to tajasel if you want to get involved.
The topic of the #supportninja IRC channel will always display the current ninja-on-duty. This Wiki page is intended to be a repository for short links and oft-used statements that can be sent to Twitter users.
There's little actual support to do; mostly, it's people wanting to know what's so good about DW, how it differs from LJ, and how to get an invite code. If there's an actual technical problem, it's just a case of referring people to the Support board.
- Dreamwidth is a codefork of LiveJournal which just went into open beta. Useful link:
- DW is not exactly like LJ: it is a codefork, and is full of differences. Useful link:
- There are several ways to get a Dreamwidth account - you don't have to have an invite code.
- -- azurelunatic's post on Similarities and Differences between LiveJournal and Dreamwidth
- -- paidaccountfairy, for sending to those wishing for paid time!
- -- A Guide To Dreamwidth for LiveJournal users
- -- direct link to filing a support board request