Cap and flag documentation
From Dreamwidth Notes
Revision as of 06:22, 7 March 2009 by Foxfirefey (Talk | contribs)
This page will attempt to document all of the user and rate limiting caps and $LJ::DISABLED flags for Bug 458.
Used in LJ::is_enabled
- basic_ad_options
- basic_ads
- content_flag
- directory
- edit_comments
- esn
- offsite_journal_search
- recaptcha
- safe_search
- schools
- security_filter
- show-talkleft
- stylealwaysmine
- support_request_language
- support_response_tier
- update_styles
- verticals
- weblogs_com
- $conf
- active_user_tracking
- blockwatch
- clientversionlog
- commentmanage
- community-logins
- community_themes
- content_ads
- content_flag
- control_strip
- control_strip_propcheck
- css_cleaner
- directory
- ebox
- ebox_option
- embed_module
- embedmodule-cleancontent
- esn
- esn-userevents
- esn_ajax
- esn_archive
- esn_ui
- eventlogrecord
- faquses
- fb_email_docs
- feedster_search
- force_pass_change
- friendchange-schwartz
- friendspopwithfriends
- graphviz_dot
- ignore_htaccess
- inbox_update_poll
- infoshow_migrate
- interests-community
- interests-findsim
- interests-popular
- latest_comments_rss
- ljmaint_tasks
- ljtalk
- mass_privacy
- memcache_reluser
- meme
- memkwcnt_memcaching
- memories
- module_reload
- named_permalinks
- nudge
- officialpost_esn
- offsite_journal_search
- opt_findbyemail
- portal
- portal-$type
- portal_fade
- qbufferd_jobs
- richtext
- rte_buttons
- rte_support
- s2quickreply
- schools
- secret_question
- show-talkleft
- sitewide_includes
- sms
- sms_post_auto_subscribe
- sms_quota_check
- sms_ui
- stats-newjournals
- stats-postsbyday
- stats-recentupdates
- stylealwaysmine
- syncitems
- tags
- tellafriend
- template_files
- uniq_mapping
- update_draft
- user_messaging
- user_transitions
- userpicfactory
- userpicselect
- web_current_location
- weblogs_com
- widget_ajax