Version Control

From Dreamwidth Notes
Revision as of 18:07, 16 September 2008 by Foxfirefey (Talk | contribs)

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The Dreamwidth code uses a Mercurial repository. However, it also uses code that uses different repository systems like subversion.

Checking out the code

Get the bootstrap script that downloads all of the code:


If your $LJHOME environment variable is set up (see Dreamwidth Scratch Installation for more information on this), run the script:


Checking out all the various packages and repositories will take same time. Afterwards, you can delete the bootstrap script:


Working with $LJHOME/bin/

The workhorse that ties all the version control systems of all the code bases together is $LJHOME/bin/ With it, you can update to new versions and track changes.

Here is a list of the options that come up with bin/ -help:

--help          Get this help
--sync          Put files where they need to go.
                All files, unless you specify which ones.
--diff          Show diffs of changed files.
--cvsonly       Don't consider files changed in live dirs.
--liveonly      Don't consider files changed in the CVS dirs.
--init          Copy all files from cvs to main, unconditionally.
--update        Updates files in the CVS dirs from the cvs repositories.
--justfiles -1  Only output files, not the old -> new arrow. (good for xargs)
--livelist -ll  Output the list of all accounted-for files.
--which         Output the source of the given file
--these -t      Refuse to --sync if no files are specified.
--map           Like --livelist and --which combined.
--all           Overrides --these, allowing --sync to run with no args.
--print-current-branches -pcb    Print repositories and their current branches
--print-branches -pb     Print repositories and their branches.
--print-repos -pr        Print repositories and their resource URLs.
--print-vars -pv         Print configuration variables specified in .conf files.
--no-space-changes -b    Do not display whitespace differences.

Updating to the latest code

See the Dev Maintenance article for instructions on this.

Displaying code changes

This will show all the changes you've made to the code:

.$LJHOME/bin/ -diff

You can make a patch by directing this output to a file (see Dev Patches for more information on patches):

.$LJHOME/bin/ -diff > PATCHFILE.

Reverting changes

There is unfortunately no .$LJHOME/bin/ -revert. One way to revert changes is to delete the file with the changes from the live code and then run:

bin/ -sync -cvsonly

Using Mercurial

Mercurial Queues

Mercurial queues is a feature for managing commits as a series of patches. It's good for making local changes that are meant to be temporary, like patches you are working on before submitting them to review/commit. Instead of mixing your commits with the official ones, you can have a series, or queue, of patches which can be applied or unapplied at any time. It's also useful when you're going through files implementing a new feature. While you're doing that, you see typos, bugs, or missing/misleading comments and you need to sort your changes by type.

This is useful to make a convient updatable workflow: apply your patches while you are working, unapply before you grab the latest changes to prevent conflict, merge in the updates, then apply your patches again.

Check that mercurial queues are enabled with:

hg help

There should be a section of commands that start with q.


Committing changes

Right now, only [info]xb95 can do this.

  1. Apply patch to live code
  2. Test the patch
  3. Sync to the cvs copy of the code:
  4. hg diff in the repository
  5. hg commit
  6. hg push