Userpics Wishlist

From Dreamwidth Notes
Revision as of 14:20, 13 August 2009 by CesyDW (Talk | contribs)

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  • - Make anchor tags on the 'allpics' page so that when someone clicks on an icon associated with a post or comment for more information it takes you to that specific icon rather than putting you at the top of a page that may have almost 200 icons on it.
see also: -- When changing the keyword of an icon, ask user whether to continue using that icon on the old posts & comments with that keyword, or to replace it with a new icon or the default icon, as appropriate.
  • Userpic factory to strip metadata from userpics so it doesn't error out on any image with EXIF or other metadata Relevant FAQ entry
partially fixed by Description field
  • Ability to sort userpics by date uploaded, keywords or comment on 'allpics' and "Manage Userpics" to make it easier to manage, find and view icons.
partially in Bugzilla at Zilla 1433
Also requested at - alphabetizing option for userpics - I believe this would simply affect the sort order of the userpics, keyword, date uploaded. Might also want to think about allowing for icon groupings?
  • 'random picture' option in userpic selection menu when posting.
  • image placeholder for animated userpics, akin to the place holder for video or images embedded in entries. inspirational complaint