Invite code generation
If you want to leave invite codes enabled on your installation, you'll need to know how to generate them for users! There are a few ways you can do it. All of them require the user who is generating the invite codes to have been granted the 'payments' priv, and for that user to be logged in.
Single-user grants
Give a user the 'payments' priv and visit the Admin Console (/admin/console). The command to generate invites is:
make_invites username number "reason"
For instance:
make_invites system 5 "to create dev accounts"
Multiple user grants
To give out invites to all users (who match certain criteria), give a user the 'payments' priv and visit the invite codes distribution page at admin/invites/distribute.bml. You'll need to have the 'distribute-invites" TheSchwartz worker running for this to work.
By request
While logged in as the user you want to make the invites for, visit the Invite Someone page at /manage/circle/invite.bml and click the link to request more invites. Then give yourself the 'payments' priv and visit the invite codes requests page at admin/invites/requests.bml. You'll see the request there and can choose how many invite codes to grant.