Database Table: jabpresence

From Dreamwidth Notes
Revision as of 07:05, 28 January 2010 by Exor674Bot (Talk | contribs)

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"{{{repo}}}" is not in the list of possible values (dw-free, dw-nonfree) for this property. This is a global table.


CREATE TABLE jabpresence (
    userid     INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL,
    reshash    CHAR(22) BINARY,
    PRIMARY KEY (userid, reshash),
    resource   VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
    client     VARCHAR(255),
    clusterid  INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL,
    presence   BLOB,
    flags      INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL,
    priority   INT UNSIGNED,
    ctime      INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL,
    mtime      INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL,
    remoteip   VARCHAR(255)
