S2 Guide: Core2 Overview

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Design Focus

Core2 was designed to make sure the experience of five different kinds of style users was improved or at least stayed the same (a lot of this is cribbed from a post in [info]dw_styles by [info]aveleh on the core2 overhaul introduction):

People who want to use the wizard to change the look of their style

  • A standard set of wizard options, including their placement in the wizard. This will make it easier for users to find options, no matter how many times they switch styles.
  • Some new ways of interacting with the wizard, such as ticky boxes instead of yes/no dropdowns. This will make it easier to see at a glance the status of certain settings.

People who want to use CSS to change the look of their style

  • A standard set of CSS, across all styles. This will make it easier to write CSS to display a header image, or hide certain comments, and have it work with any style.

People who want to use the advanced customization area and tutorials to change their style

  • A standard set of function names, so that tutorials can apply to most styles.
  • More functions that use global variables instead of passed variables, so that users can change its desired output functionality with just one line. Examples of this include custom reading colors.

People who want to write their own styles

  • More functions that print information, including the standardized CSS and modules, so that users can write less code.
  • More functions that call other functions, so that when new changes are rolled out, they’ll be easily/silently implemented.

People who want to write their own styles and don’t like standardizations

Nothing in core2 is any worse for this group--they can still go off and do their own thing, and many of the built-in functions might still be useful.