Setting up Dreamwidth on Linode

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Revision as of 05:58, 30 July 2008 by Foxfirefey (Talk | contribs)

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These instructions will help you set up Dreamwidth on Linode hosting, brought to you by [info]exor74.


Newark is the best choice for a node location for 2 reasons:

  • Guaranteed 64-bit host
  • Fast internal-network disk image fetch from [info]exor674

Setting up a Linux Deployment

Click on "Deploy a Linux Distribution":


This will bring you to the Linode Distribution Wizard.

  1. Click on "Ubuntu 8.04 LTS 64 Bit"
  2. Enter "3096" as the disk image size
  3. Enter "256" Swap
  4. Enter password, and hit "Create Profile"


Wait for it to complete, and then hit "Create new disk image".

  1. Label: "Dreamwidth Image"
  2. Size: "1024"
  3. Filesystem Type: "ext3"
  4. Hit "Create Disk"


  1. Click on "Ubuntu 8.04 LTS 64 Bit Profile"
  2. Set /dev/xvdc to "Dreamwidth Image", and hit "Save Profile"


Go to the "Network" tab, and click on "Add Private IP".


And take note of the text after "eth0"--this is your node's public IP--and the text under "for manual configuration"--your private network IP.


Getting into the node

Go back to the "Dashboard" tab, hit "Boot", and wait for the task to complete. Open your SSH client and SSH to root@noted eth0 address, and enter your root password:


Getting and using the Dreamwidth image

We're going to install a canned Dreamwidth image to make things easier on us.

Install wget:

apt-get install wget

If you are on a Newark node:

noted "for manual configuration" line 

If you are *NOT* in Newark:


Now you can copy the image to your deployment:

dd if=Linode-Dreamwidth-Ubuntu.img of=/dev/xvdc


Note: This may take a while. Now you can delete the old Ubuntu image and switch over to the Dreamwidth image. To delete the old Ubuntu image:

  1. Press "Shutdown"(Image 1), and wait for it to finish
  2. Ticky the box next to "Ubuntu 8.04 LTS 64 Bit Disk Image (ext3)"(Image 2) and hit "Delete"(Image 3)
  3. Click on "Ubuntu 8.04 LTS 64 Bit Profile"(Image 4)


To switch to the Dreamwidth Image, click on your profile's link and:

  1. Change /dev/xvda to "Dreamwidth Image"
  2. Clear /dev/xvdc
  3. Hit "Save Profile"


  1. Click on "Dreamwidth Image"
  2. Enter "12032" in the "New Size" field
  3. Hit "Save Changes"
  4. Wait till it completes


Setting up the new disk image

  1. Go to the "Settings & Utilities" tab
  2. In the "Change a Filesystem's root Password" section
  3. Set the "Disk Image" to "Dreamwidth Image"
  4. Enter your password
  5. Hit "Change Password"
  6. Go to the "Dashboard" tab

Now, resign into your node:

  1. Hit "Boot"
  2. Wait 30 seconds after the job completes.
  3. Open your SSH client and SSH to root@noted eth0 address, and enter your root password

Note: you may have to tell SSH that nothing funky is happening

rm /etc/ssh/*key*
dpkg-reconfigure openssh-server

Open your SSH client and SSH to root@noted eth0 address, and enter your root password. Note: you may have to tell SSH that nothing funky is happening.

passwd dw
cd /
tar xzvpf ~/LDW-patch1.tgz
rm ~/LDW-patch1.tgz
mysqladmin -pomg\!dreamwidth password newpassword
echo 'set password = password("m00dy")' | \
  mysql -udw -pyay\!dreamwidth
dpkg-reconfigure postfix

Choose "Internet Site":

su - dw


Set up

vi etc/
  1. Change $DOMAIN to your domain
  2. Search for "yay!"
  3. Change "yay!dreamwidth" to "other_new_password"


Save and quit vi (:wq) and restart apache:

sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart
  1.  ??
  2. PROFIT!