XML-RPC Protocol Method: getusertags

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Needs Update: This documentation was ported over from LJ's Server Manual with minimal modification. It may not match Dreamwidth's implementation of the method, and needs to be double checked against the DW code and updated as necessary.
Needs Update: This method needs request and response examples.

Retrieves a list of the user's defined tags.


username Scalar. Required. Username of user logging in.

auth_method Scalar. Optional. Authentication method used for this request. The default value is "clear", for plain-text authentication. "cookie" and any of the challenge-response methods are also acceptable.

password Deprecated. Scalar. Optional. Password of user logging in in plaintext. If using the "clear" authentication method, either this or "hpassword" must be present.

hpassword Deprecated. Scalar. Optional. MD5 digest of user's password. Not much more secure than password, but at least it's not in plain text.

auth_challenge Scalar. Optional. If using challenge-response authentication, this should be the challenge that was issued to you by the server.

auth_response Scalar. Optional. If using challenge-response authentication, this should be the response hash that you generate, based on the formula required for your challenge.

ver Scalar. Optional. Protocol version supported by the client; assumed to be 0 if not specified. See Protocol Versions for details on the protocol version.

usejournal Scalar. Optional. Journal username that authenticating user has 'usejournal' access in, as given in the 'login' mode. Specify this key to get tags for another account that you have access to.

Example Request

FIXME: add example


tags Array of structs. Required. A list of structs for all of the returned tags. Containing keys:

  • name Scalar. Required. The name of the tag being returned.
  • security_level Scalar. Required. The security (visibility) of the tag being returned. This can be one of 'public', 'private', 'friends', or 'group'. Note that 'group' doesn't provide any information about which groups, but that can be inferred from the security breakdown elsewhere in the structure.
  • uses Scalar. Optional. If the tag has been used, returns the number of times it's been used overall.
  • display Scalar. Optional. If present and on, indicates that this tag is visible to the S2 style system. Tags with this value set to off are still usable, they're just not exposed to S2.
  • security Struct. Optional. Shows the breakdown of use by security category. Containing keys:
    • public Scalar. Optional. The number of times this tag has been used on a public post.
    • private Scalar. Optional. The number of times this tag has been used on a private post.
    • friends Scalar. Optional. The number of times this tag has been used on a Friends-only post.
    • groups Struct. Optional. Entries in the groups structure have the key being the id of the group (id as shown in gettrustgroups mode) and the value being the number of times this tag has appeared on an entry secured to that group.

Example Response

FIXME: add example