JavaScript widget testing
This page is for testing the accessibility of various JavaScript widget sets. You can post comments about the tests you do on this page, or directly on the dw_accessibility post.
Write about what works for you with these tests and what doesn't. Are they meaningful given your accessibility needs? Are they helpful? Are they usable? Difficult or intuitive?
Once you've done your tests, either comment on the dw_accessibility post or in the "results" section for each one of the examples. If you comment here, be sure to sign your comment (either by writing your name or by writing three tildes, eg ~~~, so the wiki will sign your name for you).
- 1 jQuery
- 2 Dojo and Dijit
- 2.1 Calendar
- 2.2 Color picker
- 2.3 Declaration
- 2.4 Dialog
- 2.5 Editor
- 2.6 In-line edit box
- 2.7 Menu
- 2.8 Menubar
- 2.9 Progress bar
- 2.10 Title pane
- 2.11 Toolbar
- 2.12 Tool tip
- 2.13 Tool tip dialog
- 2.14 Tree
- 2.15 Currency text box
- 2.16 Date text box
- 2.17 Number spinner
- 2.18 Text boxes
- 2.19 Auto complete combo box
- 2.20 Multi select
- 2.21 Filter select
- 2.22 Button
- 2.23 Combo button
- 2.24 Drop-down button
- 2.25 Toggle button
- 2.26 Form checkbox
- 2.27 Radio button
- 2.28 Form slider
Each one of these pages has a functionality which can be tested. For visual users using the page's default style, the core functionality is in the middle of the page. Screen reader users, be aware that the functionality to test is under a H4-level header labeled "Functional demo".
You should also try the alternate tests. These are in the right-hand column under a H4-level headernamed "Examples". For example, the Accordion test has examples labeled "Default functionality," "Fill space," "No auto height," "Collapse content," "Open on mouseover," "Customize icons," and "Sortable."
The accordion test has four expandable and collapsible sections filled with blocks of text (in this case, test blocks of Latin prose).
Auto complete
The auto complete test provides a text box which should offer suggestions as you type. There's a limited set of words available in this test, but "Java", "JavaScript",, and "ColdFusion" all appear to be available.
These are just the buttons provided in this widget set. Do they work for you? Can you select them intuitively?
Date picker
This widget should allow you to pick a date off a little graphical calendar when you focus in the input field.
This test gives you what looks like a standard webpage (with some Latin text and a simple form), but it also includes a dialog box entitled "Basic dialog". That dialog box should be closable, movable, resizable, and should include the readable text, "_This is the default dialog which is useful for displaying information. The dialog window can be moved, resized and closed with the 'x' icon._".
Progress bar
This test shows a purely-visual progress bar showing whether or not a process is complete. There are variant versions of the progress bar available, one animated, the other resizable.
This test provides a visual slider which can be moved with the mouse or the arrow keys.
This test provides three boxes of Latin prose divided on pages by tabs.
You should be able to drag the test around this page.
You should be able to drop one of these objects on to the other.
You should be able to re-size this object.
You should be able to draw a box with your cursor to select multiple items, or select them with the arrow keys. You should be able to select nonadjacent items in this list by using your control key.
You should be able to sort this list by dragging.
You should be able to reposition elements within this demonstration.
Dojo and Dijit
Dijit is the widget library that goes along with Dojo. Each of these pages describes what it is supposed to do and then has some examples under a section labeled "Examples" (which is a H2-level header). It looks like these examples are accessible under images labeled "View example", but I admit I'm not exactly sure that these examples will be even reachable by everyone's adaptive technology! More specifically, Mouseless Browsing doesn't seem to be able to see them; they seem to be generated by Dijit themselves and not by standard HTML tags. Please report in the original dw_accessibility post if you can't access them, and we will ask ktiedt for advice.
On the one hand, I found these tests less intuitive to use than the ones on the jQuery page, so it might take some doing to figure them out. On the other hand, each page explains what its accessibility functionality is intended to be.
These tests provide a variety of calendar functions.
Color picker
This provides a palette and a color picker which are supposed to be usable for screen reader and keyboard users as well as everybody else.
Actually I can't get this one to work so I'm not sure what it is supposed to do. :-( Report if you can get it to do anything!
These examples should give a button which, when pressed, pop up dialog boxes.
This widget should provide a rich text editor. Really take this one for a spin, because accessible rich text editors are one of the holy grails of the web.
In-line edit box
These examples should provide a series of boxes containing text . You should be able to edit that text and have the changes appear on the page.
This example should provide some text that, when you right-click on it, pops up a screen reader-compatible menu. This menu should also be accessible according to the listed keyboard commands.
This example should produce a window with drop-down menus.
Progress bar
This pops up a window and a button. When you push the button, the progress bar should run. It's worth reading the accessibility information for this one, because it gives some hints about how it should interact with screen readers.
Title pane
This should produce a window with a collapsible title pane over some content.
This example should produce a toolbar with some buttons in it. I'm pretty sure the buttons don't do anything, but you should be able to learn what's in them and select them.
Tool tip
These examples are very different, so run both of the available examples. They should both produce windows that are designed to give tool tips are mouse overs. You should also be able to get the tool tips by keyboard commands, and they should announce to screen readers.
Tool tip dialog
These examples provide menus that, when you expand them, allow you to save information into a form.
I admit, I can't get this set to work. If you can, tell us what it does.
Currency text box
This text box should complain if you don't put in a value containing both dollars and cents. It should explain what the error is, and then should reformat any correct input into dollars and cents.
Date text box
This text box should allow you either to type in the date manually or select one from a calendar which drops down when you enter the text field.
Number spinner
This text input field should complain if you enter any value that is not a digit, and it should tell you what the error is. You should also be able to use the mouse or the arrow keys to increase or decrease the number.
Text boxes
This set of examples are a series of text boxes, which should all allow input with specific constraints, usually detailed on the individual example pages.
Number text box Simple text area Expanding/contracting text area Plain text box Time text box: type or choose a time Validation text box
Auto complete combo box
A “auto complete”, which allows the user to type any value and just gives suggested completions
Multi select
Allows the selection of multiple items
Filter select
Similar to a select but with type-ahead filtering of the drop down list
A representation of a normal button.
Combo button
A button with an arrow to show a drop down (often a menu)
Drop-down button
A button which displays a menu or some other popup when you press it
Toggle button
A cross between a Button and a Checkbox widget
Form checkbox
Nearly the same as an HTML checkbox, but with fancy styling
Radio button
To select one choice from a list
Form slider
A scale with a handle you can drag up/down or left/right to select a value