Public-facing Pages Worksheet

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This is a worksheet to document various things about Dreamwidth's public-facing pages. Eventually, this will lead to the site being better organized and easier to use, by means of having a standardized information architecture.

Table Key:

E - Entry point of a task
C - Continuation of a task;  page receives data from elsewhere
J - Journal content management (tags, comments, entries, userpic display, memories, etc)
S - Site interaction management (settings, management, messages, etc)

Fields with questionable or no data are highlighted blue; please remove the blue if you are able to fill in the slot with good info. If you feel something not in blue needs to be changed or corrected, feel free to do that as well!

(Also, please don't split up the table into multiple tables or wiki pages; I really want to be able to see everything together to identify patterns.)

Primary File Associated Helper Files Description EC JS Directory
_config.bml none setup site scheme?  ? S /
accountstatus.bml accountstatus.bml.text delete / undelete journal E S /
allpics.bml allpics.bml.text show all userpics of a journal or community E J /
approve.bml approve.bml.text approve/accept community membership C J /
betafeatures.bml betafeatures.bml.text turns on/off features in beta E S /
birthdays.bml birthdays.bml.text display a circle's birthdays E J /
changemail.bml changemail.bml.text set/change email address E S /
changepassword.bml changepassword.bml.text change password E S /
create.bml create.bml.text takes invite code via URL or prompt, then prompts for account name/email/pw/age
account creation flow step 1 of 3
E S /
delcomment.bml delcomment.bml.text delete comment confirmation C J /
directory.bml directory.bml.text directory search and view results by geography
needs rename to directoryGeography ?
E S /
directorysearch.bml directorysearch.bml.text directory search and view results by demographics
needs rename to directoryDemographics ?
E S /
editpics.bml editpics.bml.text manage userpics E/C J /
editprivacy.bml editprivacy.bml.text bulk edit entries' privacy settings E J /
editjournal.bml editjournal.bml.text find & edit entries E J /
none editjournal_do.bml.text primary file is gone. all references to this file should be changed, then delete this file /
edittags.bml edittags.bml.text edit tags on an entry C J /
export.bml export.bml.text dialog to export entries & comments E S /
export_do.bml export_do.bml.text does the actual export? C S /
go.bml go.bml.text travel between entries (prev/next) C J /
imgupload.bml.text image upload for entry posting C J /
index.bml none site homepage E S /
interests.bml interests.bml.text interests search/manage E J /
login.bml login.bml.text login dialog E S /
logout.bml logout.bml.text logout dialog E S /
lostinfo.bml lostinfo.bml.text retrieve lost account name/password E S /
none lostinfo_do.bml.text primary file is gone. all references to this file should be changed, then delete this file /
none modify.bml.text
primary file is gone. all references to this file should be changed, then delete this file /
moodlist.bml moodlist.bml.text preview mood themes E J /
multisearch.bml multisearch.bml.text search module in the site scheme header? C? S /
nav.bml nav.bml.text dispay sublevel navigation links C S /
newuser.bml newuser.bml.text new account success page
account creation flow #last
C S /
photobucket_cb.bml none Photobucket JWidget Callback page C S /
post_qotd.bml none supposed to redirect to the update page with the most recent QotD filled in; currently redirects to index.bml E J /
protocol.dat none site API documentation? C S /
pubkey.bml pubkey.bml.text search/display PGP public keys E J /
random.bml none redirects to a random journal C S /
register.bml register.bml.text email validation dialog/success E/C S /
reject.bml reject.bml.text reject someone's request to join a community C S /
robots.txt none commands to spiders E S /
shop.bml shop.bml.text site store main storefront E S /
stats.bml stats.bml.text site statistics E S /
talkmulti.bml talkmulti.bml.text delete/screen/unscreen multiple comments C J /
talkpost.bml talkpost.bml.text post comment dialog and immediate errors E J /
talkpost_do.bml talkpost_do.bml.text actually post comment or error out C J /
talkread.bml talkread.bml.text entry comment page E J /
talkread_s1short.bml none hack to make S1 styles work? should be deleted? C J /
talkscreen.bml talkscreen.bml.text freeze/unfreeze/screen/unscreen comments C J /
update.bml update.bml.text post an entry E J /
none uploadpic.bml.text primary file is gone. all references to this file should be changed, then delete this file /
userinfo.bml userinfo.bml.text profile page E J /
capedit.bml none edit user capabilities E S /admin/
clusterstatus.bml none check clusters status E S /admin/
dupkiller.bml none delete a user's duplicate entries E J /admin/
entryprops.bml none check entry properties E J /admin/
index.bml index.bml.text index page of admin pages E S /admin/
invitecodes.bml none view details of invite code (by code or account) E S /admin/
logout_user.bml none log a user out of the site E S /admin/
memcache.bml none view current memcache conditions E S /admin/
memcache_view.bml none view current memcache details E S /admin/
mysql_status.bml none show current MySQL status E S /admin/
navtag.bml none tag pages for navigation E S /admin/
propedit.bml none view and edit userprops E S /admin/
recent_comments.bml none view a user's recent comments E S /admin/
spam_reports.bml none view/handle spam reports E S /admin/
statushistory.bml none  ? E S? /admin/
styleinfo.bml none show user's style info E S? /admin/
sysban.bml none view/manage sysbans E S /admin/
theschwartz.bml none view TheSchwartz queue job status E S /admin/
userlog.bml none view user's logged actions E S /admin/
index.bml index.bml.text admin console E J/S /admin/console/
reference.bml none console commands reference E S /admin/console/
faqedit.bml none edit a FAQ entry E? S /admin/faq/
index.bml none index page for modifying the FAQs E S /admin/faq/
readcat.bml none read FAQs by category? E? S /admin/faq/
index.bml none edit files? E S /admin/fileedit/
distribute.bml distribute.bml.text generate/distribute invite codes E S /admin/invites/
requests.bml none view invite code requests E S /admin/invites/
review.bml none view user's invite code request history C? S /admin/invites/
runoffpoll.bml none calculate instant-runoff poll E? S? /admin/misc/
import.bml none import payment info E S /admin/pay/
index.bml none show user payment summary OR change user paid status E S /admin/pay/
index.bml none show user(s) privs? E S /admin/priv/
add.bml none add/preview a qotd? E S /admin/qotd/
manage.bml none stuff?? E S /admin/qotd/
index.bml none view database table schema OR view/edit db table documentation E S /admin/schema/
edit.bml none edit/delete school data E S /admin/schools/
index.bml none school stats E S /admin/schools/
merge.bml none merge dup schools E? S /admin/schools/
pending.bml none approve/reject pending schools E S /admin/schools/
rename.bml none change location of school(s) E S /admin/schools/
add.bml none add site message E S /admin/sitemessages/