From LJ Suggestions

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Revision as of 04:54, 10 January 2009 by Ursamajor (Talk | contribs)

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Everything from [info]suggestions that doesn't totally suck. (IE: anything non-obsolete, non-reactionary, and not related to details of's business plan and not LiveJournal-the-service).

(Built over time, la la la, categorize however y'all find appropriate...)

Months from [info]suggestions that have already been mined for useful suggestions:

  • None yet.
  • November '08 - ursamajor - in progress
  • October '08 - principia_coh - in progress
  • September '08 - Magycmyste - in progress


This would be fairly easy to implement if actually wanted.

  • - Revamp Memories - "should feel like a cross between delicious and inbox management;" specifically, put categories/keywords on the left and memorified links on the right. Better ability to bulk edit/rename/move between memories cats. Better ability to see/find uncategorized memories. Add the ability to add a note to a memory, a la delicious?

Service-specific markup

  • -- List of pre-defined people and/or entities that could be linked to in a way similar to another local-service user, except this would be defined per-journal by the user, for example, <lj cast="mymom">. Link would go to sub-page belonging to user, the space defined for "mymom", where the user could provide all the relevant explanation of the person and/or entity "mymom".


  • - 1. Don't allow blank PMs to be sent. 2. LJ form completion behavior - should be internally consistent, yes (PM form behavior mirrors Tag form behavior, for example - but should also be consistent with external standard form behavior? - refresh message count in headers when deleting messages in inbox (only on the page where the messages were deleted from, not cross-tab or cross-window) - need a better process for spam removal - fewer clicks, able to remove in bulk. = allow unformatted links in the inbox to be clickable.


  • -- Make anchor tags on the 'allpics' page so that when someone clicks on an icon associated with a post or comment for more information it takes you to that specific icon rather than putting you at the top of a page that may have almost 200 icons on it.

External Services


Site Schemes

  • - 1. Figure out better way to differentiate between screened and unscreened comments in Lynx. 2. Adjust alt text sensibly for screen/unscreen button - it says "screen" for both "to screen" and "to unscreen;" combined with the above problem, it's hard to know whether you're screening or unscreening a given comment!
  • - Text links in lieu of image buttons? Similar issue as above - alt text not changing appropriately when situation changes ((un)screen, (un)freeze). Also, "is Lynx meant to be for mobile browsers? For visually impaired readers?" Make as clean and compact, codewise, as possible.


  • -- enable sorting of Support requests by ones that have no response yet. Counter-suggestions include letting a volunteer tag a request as one they don't want to look at again (e.g., if it's one they know has been answered adequately).




Et cetera